Reflection on 2016

2016 Race/Event Review

13 Total Races/Events
1 Broken Toe

1/24/2016 - Griffith Park Half Marathon 13.1 Miles
2/14/2016 - Los Angeles Marathon 26.2 Miles
3/13/2016 - San Diego Half Marathon 13.1 Miles
3/19/2016 - Great Race of Agoura Hills 13.1 Miles
4/16/2016 - Heroes in Recovery 6K 3.72 Miles
4/22/2016 - Spartan Seattle Hurricane Heat
4/23/2016 - Spartan Seattle Super
5/15/2016 - Xterra Trail Run - Black Mountain 7.45 Miles
5/21/2016 - Malibu Creek Trail Run 13.67 Miles
5/29/2016 - Lake Balboa 5K 3.1 Miles
8/13/2016 - Battlefrog - Riverside
10/16/2016 - Ironman Arizona 70.3 (Pulled out - Shoulder injury)
10/22/2016 - GoRuck Light - Huntington Beach
12/10/2016 - Spartan Los Angeles Sprint

Broken Toe Spartan Training

Having a broken toe has been a nuisance, but for the most part, I've been able to train around it. I"ll take you through a workout thats been modified.

Its been about 2 weeks since I broke the toe, so for the most part, im pain free.

Duke really can't stay away from my KimChi for some reason.

The Orb is your best friend.

Spartan Sprint Los Angeles, CA - Review

Race Details:

So it happened, I broke a toe on this race. Silly me. While trying to power my way up the ropes and hit the cowbell, I forgot to hold on to the rope. I came tumbling down on a patch of hay. I didn't feel anything until the last quarter mile of the race when I started to feel pain on my foot and thus started limping.

Lesson: don't forget to HOLD ON to the rope when you're climbing a rope. 

The course itself was pretty much the same as last year. The uphills were brutal (for me) since I had spent the last few months with my face buried in electronic books studying for an exam (EMT-B) and I had not gotten enough hill training or run training. My grip was also not as strong as I liked due to me mainly sticking to a 5 x 5 StrongLifts program, which is great for gaining strength and size, however not particularly good for muscular endurance. I was also about 15 points heavier for this run than I usually would be. This once again I blame/thank the increase in carbohydrate consumption and the Thanksgiving holiday feasting.


Use the small menial tasks as an exercise in discipline. 
Use the big daunting tasks as an exercise in discipline.
Use the overwhelming tasks as an exercise in discipline.
Use the painful tasks as an exercise in discipline.
Use the good tasks as an exercise in discipline.

Top 3 Spartan Race / Tough Mudder training tips

So you did your first Mud Run and you finished. But you ranked 874th out of 1000 or not where you wanted. You want to do better. Using the 80/20 principle, here is the core of what I believe will net you the best results without quitting your day job:


1) Get used to running.

Your times will significantly improve when you can get from one obstacle to another...faster.

2) Get used to running AFTER you lift something heavy.

Generally speaking, runnning the day after or even immediately after your weight training sessions are considered counter-productive. This is because people generally lift weights to get stronger and running after is furthering your body's ability to recover for the next strength session. But, obstacle course racing specifically tests your ability to keep running after lifting per atlas stone. It sucks, but get used to it.BUT be careful, as lifting heavy things when your tired increases your risk of using bad form and hurting yourself.

3) Practice running/walking up hills.

This separates the men from the boys or the women from the girls. It usually will determine whether your in the top 10% or the bottom 10%. I feel like this is more technique than it is conditioning, although both are important.